
Nikko A. Bangoy | Quezon City
18 years old
University of the Philippines Manila
Behavioral Science

DEU picket line in Ayala
(April 22, 2013)

This event made me realize that justice in our country is still far from being fair. With money and power, justice can be manipulated. The company, is fully neglecting the decision of the Supreme Court which just shows that they are more powerful than the Supreme court that they can neglect the decision without receiving any penalty or punishment.

(Photo by Janzy Maaño)

Tao Muna Hindi Mina Rally
(April 23, 2013)

We may have blocked the roads and locked the gates but I don't know if we have relayed our message to the people and to the government. Computers, laptops, cellphones are the current trend of our technology today, and yes we need them but there should always be a limit in how much resources we spend on the improvement of our technology and this also creates a lot of waste that is very harmful for our environment. Too much exploitation of our environment can lead to destruction.

(Photo by Janzy Maaño)

DEU Press Conference
(April 24, 2013)

Media is really helpful in terms of relaying messages and increasing the awareness of the people who can see it but this media can also be deceiving, it can manipulate the truth and it would always be in favor with the people who are powerful. Even with the press conference of the DEU, I haven't seen any news about what happened with the conference, it just looked like a mock press conference. They have not shown it in public for they know that this battle is a battle against a powerful person that they know have a negative impact with them. Our perception is being molded by the deception of the media, and that is why we should select the things that we will believe.

(Photo by Janzy Maaño)

Human Rights

We all have our rights which defines our dignity as a citizen of our country. In accordance to what have been shared to us by the professional, we have a very good human rights for the Filipinos but the problem is the implementation of this rights. We are all human beings, we should all have equity in terms of human rights, Man, Woman, Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Children, we all belong to the same specie and we should be treated equally, no discriminations. We should accept everyone, for we all belong to the same society, and we are all parts of the society.


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